wrist ligament injury

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  • Treatment of Acute SL (Scapholunate) Dissociation

    Treatment of Acute SL (Scapholunate) Dissociation

    posted 9/21/10 in Wrist Ligament Injury

    An acute complete tear of the ligament between the scaphoid and lunate bones commonly results from a forceful hyperextension injury to the wrist---for example after a fall onto an outstretched hand or a car accident. Such a complete tear allows the scaphoid bone to flex and the lunate to extend---a...

  • Wrist Arthroscopy as a diagnostic tool

    Wrist Arthroscopy as a diagnostic tool

    posted 9/21/10 in Wrist Ligament Injury

    Wrist pain may be caused by arthritis, tendonitis, synovitis (inflammation inside the joint) or after a sprain. Most of the time the combination of examination and xray will reveal what is the source of discomfort. Pain from a wrist sprain may actually reflect a partial or complete ligament tear. Alternatively...